Plug-In Power Pack for Netscape Communicator
Plug-In Power Pack for Netscape Communicator.iso
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Text File
93 lines
10 penop.ini
11 Plug-In
12 DefClaimedId
13 DefGravity
14 InterrogateOnOpen
15 VerifyThreshold
50 Error
51 Confirm
52 You must enter a name and unique identifier
53 Interrogate Document
60 PenOp Database is not opened
61 You must enter a name and unique identifier
62 Error Accessing PenOp Database
63 Cannot add user - a user with the specified unique id already exists
64 The database is full; obtain a new license from PenOp increase this limit
65 An unknown error occurred
70 You must obtain a database license from PenOp to perform maintenance, enrollment, and verification functions
71 Your license string in penop.ini does not allow signature verification.\nContact PenOp to purchase a verification license string
72 Are you sure you want to delete '%s' ?
73 Delete failed - The user is registered with the following applications
74 The user you have entered could not be found in the database. Enter another or select one from the list
75 More than one user matches this criteria. Enter another or select one from the list
76 The signatory name does not correspond to a user in the PenOp database
77 %s is not fully enrolled in the PenOp database
78 The verification user '%s' is not known to PenOp\nTo verify, set the signature properties to a known user
79 The template for '%s' is not enrolled.\nWould you like to enroll this signature into their template?
83 A signatory name must be assigned first
84 A gravity prompt must be assigned first
85 There is not enough memory available - quit any other apps and try again
86 Failed to obtain a timer - quit any other apps and try again
87 Failed to read the binding information from the document
88 The license string in penop.ini does not support signature capture\nContact PenOp to purchase a capture license
89 Your operating system is not configured for pen use\nA pen interface must be installed for PenOp to capture signatures
90 The document has not changed since signing
91 A file was not specified when the btoken was captured
92 The given file could not be read
100 A verification user cannot be selected until the signature has been captured
101 Your PenOp license string does not allow you to change the name of the signatory as held in the PenOp database
102 Signature cannot be interrogated until it has been captured
103 Signature cannot be verified until it has been captured
104 You cannot sign again - signature already captured
105 Your penop.ini file does not specify a gravity database
110 A user with the same unique id (%s) already exists in the PenOp database. Is this the same person?
111 This biometric token has already been used for enrollment
300 Database opened successfully
301 The PenOp database could not be opened.\nPENOP.INI contains an invalid license string
302 The PenOp database is incorrectly configured\nThis application has been refused access to the PenOp database
303 The PenOp database could not be opened.\nA 'FileName=C:\DIR\DB' entry must exist in PENOP.INI
304 The PenOp database could not be opened.\n'TidLength=4' must be set in the PENOP.INI file
305 The PenOp database could not be opened.\nError connection to PenOp database server
306 Your PenOp installation is only licensed for signature capture
307 The PenOp database could not be opened.\nDatabase license limit exceeded
310 Enrollment failed
311 Failed to enroll signature
312 The template for this user is already enrolled
313 This application does not have sufficient privilege to enroll signatures for this person
314 This application does not have sufficient access privilge to enroll signatures for this person
315 The biometric token contains no signature
316 This biometric token has already been used for enrollment
317 An error occurred updating the PenOp database
318 You license string in penop.ini does not allow you to enroll any more users
320 Signatures too discrepant
321 Still doing primary enrollment
322 Barely acceptable signatures
323 Adequate signatures
324 Enrollment is complete
325 The template is still under construction
327 The template has been cleared
331 An error occurred reading user information.\n
332 An error occurred loading the %s Add-On
333 An error occurred connect to %s.\n
334 An error occurred initializing the %s Add-On.\n
335 An error occurred deleting the user.\n
336 An error occurred reading user information from %s.\n
337 An error occurred writing user information from %s.\n
338 An error occurred reading information from %s.\n
339 An old copy of the users PenOp template exists on your local database.\nDo you want to use this instead?
340 The database is not open.
341 The format of the buffer is incorrect.
342 Your PenOp license does not allow the import/export of persons
343 The supplied key is incorrect.
344 A general file error.
345 The database is full
346 The replacing person record is older than the current one\nFailed to update current record
350 The replacing person record is older than the current one\nDo you want to continue?
360 Information
361 Threshold Verification will not be performed\n %s
362 Information
363 When verified, this signature scores less than the user-defined threshold value.\n Would you like to sign again?
364 Information
365 When verified, this signature passes the user-defined threshold value